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Created by a small, passionate team of scientists and herbalists, it’s our mission to deliver what science and nature can offer while minimizing our impact on the planet. A mission that cares for both your smile, and the earth.

What’s NOT in Natean Toothpaste

What’s NOT in Natean Toothpaste


Each ingredient is consciously chosen and thoughtfully blended to create formulas with everything you want in a toothpaste, and none of the things you don't.


Caring for the nature that continues to inspire our product is a significant part of who we are. For us, cultivating a brighter, more sustainable future starts with packaging and consciously chosen ingredients. But for our patrons, it simply starts with a toothpaste. 


Carefully designed and selected, every Natean package is BPA-free, made of post-consumer recycled materials and is naturally, fully recyclable with cartons using sustainably sourced paper certified by the Forest Stewardship Council.

*The cap is recyclable only in the few communities that have appropriate recycling facilities.


It is our joy and privilege to eternally care for the very thing that continues to inspire us. But beyond packaging and ingredients, and as admirers of the power of nature, we aim to create a brighter future for all, partners, customers and activists, through our continuous efforts in the preservation of Earth’s biodiversity.


Meet the team behind Natean.

Anna Darity

Brand Incubator and Marke-teer

Jason Milligan

Co-Founder & Humble Toothpaste Salesperson

Preeti Roy

Mad Scientist & Project R&D Lead

Bob Uccardi

Brand Builder

Sherry Polevoy

Brand Innovator & Sustainability Champion

Alvin Mathew
Curious Answer Seeker

Purified water

Essential for life, essential 
for blending Natean ingredients together.

Coconut oil

Botanical emollient from fresh coconuts blended into formula to help create a fresh brushing experience.

Aloe vera

Botanical emollient from aloe vera blended into formula to help create a fresh brushing experience.


Papaya fruit enzymes blends with silicas and perlite to help remove stains and whiten teeth.


Pineapple fruit enzymes blends with silicas and perlite to help remove stains and whiten teeth.


Volcanic mineral blended with fruit enzymes and silica helps to remove stains and brighten smiles.


Carbonized coconut shells 
to polish and whiten teeth.

Natural flavors

Peppermint oil, spearmint, eucalyptus, ginger and turmeric to enhance taste and freshen breath.

Palm oil

RSPO certified responsibly sourced palm oil used as a humectant. 

Stevia extract

Extracted from the stevia plant for flavor and a touch of sweetness.

What’s in Natean Toothpaste

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